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Vegas Pro 12, 索尼旗舰产品NLE的新版本在几周前首次亮相, boasts several new features for online video production pros including simplified color matching, 先进的面具创建和操作, 增加了64位支持, while shipping as part of a new suite that includes Sound Forge Pro 10 and the HitFilm 2 Ultimate effects package.

Vegas Pro 12, 最新版本的索尼创意软件旗舰编辑器, 已经有几个星期了吗. 本文将重点介绍已添加的一些新特性. 总共, 有几十个新的视频和音频功能, 加上这个NLE支持的一些新格式.

With this new release, Vegas 12 is available in some different configurations. 您可以只选择维加斯NLE, 或拉斯维加斯+ DVD建筑师, 或者全套功能强大, “最好的品种”的应用程序,增加了Sound Forge Pro 10, HitFilm 2 Ultimate, 维加斯专业制作助理, 还有一些制作音乐.

This is the first time Vegas Pro has been offered in an "edit only" config for a much cheaper price. This could be an attractive buy-in to the Vegas platform for editors who already use Adobe Encore for disc authoring, 或者对于我们这些只提供流媒体/在线内容的人来说. 您可以通过访问找到有关配置的更多信息 http://sonycreativesoftware.com.

This overview will focus on some of the new features in the Vegas Pro 12 NLE itself. In upcoming articles and tutorials I will visit the other components of the Vegas Pro 12 Suite.


你是否曾经需要匹配两种不同相机型号的镜头? Or, have you ever set white balance differently on your cameras accidentally? 我们大多数人都有过. Vegas 12包含一个简单的插件来帮助纠正这个问题.

Identify the clip containing the color you like, and copy a frame from it (下面的图1).

Sony Vegas Pro 12
图1. 复制帧

在要改变颜色的剪辑上,插入颜色匹配插件. When it opens, click the clipboard to paste the image that is on the clipboard.

Sony Vegas Pro 12
图2. 粘贴图像

You can then drag the Strength slider to adjust how much color grading is applied.

There are other ways to determine what controls the color of the clip that is affected; for example, 您可以使用存储在驱动器上的映像文件, 维加斯修剪机的一帧视频, or you can even select a portion of a window on the screen to define the color grading you want, but I find that syncing the camera clips and grading based on one of the cameras works well.

可以将颜色匹配插件应用于单个事件, 一个跟踪, 或者是整个媒体. 我得到了一些意想不到的结果,当它应用到一个轨道, 所以现在我只是一个接一个地做. 这里有个建议, if you want to duplicate the video filters and settings from one clip to another: Copy the piece of media that is set the way you like, and then Ctrl-click select all other pieces of media that you want to apply the effects to. 下一个, 右键单击,选择“粘贴事件属性”, and all of the selected clips will have the same video filters (and velocity filters) as the piece of media that you copied.

快速浏览一下索尼维加斯Pro 13的最新功能, 包括Vegas Pro Connect iPad应用程序, 移动和4K编辑器的代理优先工作流, 和真正的, 四量程响度计.
大卫·麦克奈特示范了一个快速, easy way to generate sharp-looking titles for your Vegas Pro projects that requires no additional plugins.
新的一年, 来自NewBlueFX的一个新的和诱人的视频实用程序集合, 视频插件游戏的主要玩家之一. In this article, we'll look at their sixth volume of plug-ins billed as "essential.“是吗?”? 继续往下读,找出答案吧.
这两款车都配备了视觉效果软件HitFilm 2, which enables users to add visual intensity to movies with advanced 3D compositing, 广泛的“电影外观”过滤器, 还有100多个视觉效果
Workflow improvements in Vegas Pro 12 include Project Interchange with Premiere Pro, 专业的工具, and FCP 7; Expanded Edit mode, for fine-tuning the timing of a project using an interactive "A-B roll" paradigm; 颜色匹配, for quickly matching the color characteristics of different video clips; and Smart Proxy editing
Sony SpectraLayers is a dynamic new audio editing tool for Mac and Windows users that might be best described as "Photoshop for Audio," featuring the ability to isolate and edit individual layers of a mixed track using frequency analysis. 在这个视频回顾中, 大卫·麦克奈特 explains how it works and what it offers post-production pros with complex audio issues to resolve.
The new mixer layout in Sony Vegas Pro 11 makes editing audio for video in Vegas feel like you're using a pro hardware mixer. 维加斯教练大卫·麦克奈特解释了如何做到这一点.
Sony Vegas instructor 大卫·麦克奈特 continues his video tutorial series with a look at Vegas' new GPU Assist feature, which enables Vegas editors to leverage the processing power of supported NVIDIA and AMD video cards to get full-frame previews of loaded timelines and accelerate rendering with many popular codecs.
Sync Linking is a cool new feature in Sony Vegas Pro 11 that allows you to group clips of events and move and control them in the timeline with a single Master clip, 同时仍然能够在组内微调下级剪辑.
In this tutorial you'll learn how to make the most of Vegas's new by-parameter keyframing capabilities for effects plug-ins that ship with Vegas Pro 11 using the new Sony Text & 以标题插件为例.
在我们的索尼维加斯Pro 11六部分系列教程的第五部分, 我们将讨论渲染对话框. 你做的每一个项目, 是否在网络上传播, 甚至是DVD或蓝光光盘, 要经过渲染阶段吗, so you'll find yourself getting quite familiar with it as you do more project. In Vegas Pro 11, 索尼在渲染对话框中添加了一些新功能, 他们彻底改变了它的运作方式.